7 12, 2024

Good tidings to all as South Shore Rotary Club holds annual Holiday Party

2024-12-18T20:52:20-05:00December 7, 2024|Past Events|

Members of the South Shore Rotary Club shared good tidings and festive cheer as they gathered for the annual Holiday Party at Baci Ristorante in Dongan Hills. Rotarians danced, laughed, and celebrated the holiday season with plenty of scrumptious food. Raffle winners were announced and some Rotarians were able [...]

3 12, 2024

Eger Nursing Home receives holiday cheer from South Shore Rotarians

2024-12-18T21:07:31-05:00December 3, 2024|Past Events|

South Shore Rotarians brought smiles to residents of Eger Nursing Home by delivering holiday cheer to the Egbertville facility. The National Tree Company donated a beautiful Christmas tree, and the ornaments hung on it were collected and donated by the members of the South Shore Rotary. The coloring books, Coloring [...]

2 12, 2024

Rotarians start off holiday season with visit to Eger Harbor House

2024-12-18T21:07:53-05:00December 2, 2024|Past Events|

Members of the South Shore Rotary Club delivered toys and holiday cards to the Eger Harbor House. Gemmy Toys donated festive and animated toys that played holiday music. Students from PS 6 in Tottenville created holiday cards. Families in support groups from Celebrate Hope knitted hats and scarves. Home [...]

22 11, 2024

Annual tradition continues as South Shore Rotary joins fellow S.I. Rotary clubs for Thanksgiving giveaway

2024-12-18T21:08:15-05:00November 22, 2024|Releases|

The South Shore Rotary Club joined the other Rotary clubs from Staten Island to continue the annual tradition of providing Thanksgiving dinners to those less fortunate. Volunteers from every club and local students embarked to SCARAN Heating & Air Conditioning to assemble hundreds of baskets that would then be distributed [...]

22 11, 2024

South Shore Rotary visits PS 37 in first stop of holiday donations

2024-12-18T21:08:35-05:00November 22, 2024|Past Events|

The South Shore Rotary’s Coats and Shoes for Kids Project has begun! President Rosemarie Sienicki stopped at PS 37 to drop off new coats and shoes for students in time for the cold winter season. The District 75 school is located in Great Kills. Principal Cori Regan was on hand [...]

21 11, 2024

Member focuses on Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month during weekly meeting

2024-12-18T21:09:02-05:00November 21, 2024|Past Events|

During our weekly meeting, member James O'Keefe spoke about Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month. As a pancreatic cancer survivor, James spoke about his first-hand experience with the disease. Thank you, James, for speaking to our members about this. The club also celebrated our November birthdays, which included member Bill Barillari!

21 11, 2024

South Shore Rotary joins Interact Students for annual fundraiser

2024-12-18T21:09:23-05:00November 21, 2024|Past Events|

The South Shore Rotary visited our Interact Students at Staten Island Tech High School as they hosted their annual “Stuck for a Buck” event. Students can purchase tape to stick their teachers and their principal to the wall. All money raised is donated to a charity of their choice. Special [...]

18 11, 2024

South Shore Rotary participates in PS 22 Spelling Bee

2024-11-18T19:49:43-05:00November 18, 2024|Past Events|

Members of the South Shore Rotary Club were buzzing as they served as judges for the PS 22 Spelling Bee. President Rosemarie Sienicki and Rosemarie Dressler helped the Graniteville elementary school select the top three performers. Ariel Serrano won first place and received a $75 Barnes & Noble gift card. [...]

8 11, 2024

South Shore Rotary, PS 6 team again for candy drive

2024-11-11T13:23:59-05:00November 8, 2024|Releases|

For the second year in a row, the South Shore Rotary and PS 6 teamed up for a Halloween candy drive. Students at the Tottenville school donated their extra and leftover Halloween candy to the South Shore Rotary, which will distribute the sweets to veterans and residents at local nursing [...]

7 11, 2024

Seaman’s Society speaker attends weekly meeting

2024-12-18T21:09:50-05:00November 7, 2024|Past Events|

The South Shore Rotary Club welcomed Teresa Cirelli, chief development officer at Seamen’s Society for Children and Families, during its weekly meeting. The mission of Seamen’s Society for Children and Families is to provide the highest quality services in the community to strengthen and preserve families so that children and [...]

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