We develop close relationships through our collective work as Rotarians and at weekly meetings where we network and enjoy the company of fellow Rotarians over an excellent lunch. Our meetings begin as others do throughout our nation, with the Pledge of Allegiance, followed by:
- The Four-Way Test
- A prayer
- A moment of silence for former members
- And a group song
Member Meetings
Old Bermuda Inn
2512 Arthur Kill RD
Staten Island, NY 10309
**Thursdays at 12:15 pm except for Holidays

Chairs provide members with the status of upcoming events. Often a South Shore Rotarian takes a few minutes to share information about their personal or professional life. Guest speakers are a staple at our meetings. The meeting closes after a session where members offer “Sunshine,” any personal, professional or club related information to share.
Once a month, the Board meets to discuss business and policy issues of the club and its foundation. [All South Shore Rotary members are welcome to the meeting]. If you are a professional, business person interested in networking and giving back to the Staten Island community, you are invited to be our guest at a weekly luncheon meeting. Come visit and see what our Rotary Club is all about.